Ananya Panday has been giving us back to back fashion goals as she’s promoting her upcoming film Liger which also stars Vijay Deverakonda. The film is releasing next week and the duo isn’t leaving any stones unturned while promoting it and keeping their fandom in mind, it’s surely going to be another blockbuster for these cuties. Yesterday, Ananya wore a chequered suit and paired it with boots while promoting the film and we are drooling over her ‘Boss Babe’ look and you can take style notes, if you’ve an important work meeting coming up and all the eyes will be on you in the conference room, we bet!
Ananya’s stylist Megan Concessio is doing an incredible job with her outfits and styling. The actress recently appeared on Koffee With Karan and spoke about how people called her ‘ugly and flat-chested’ at the age of 19 when her debut film was released. Honestly, we’ve all been there and all these cons come from being a celebrity but talking about your style and appearance, you’re a STAR Ananya and we wouldn’t want to change a thing about you.
Talking about Ananya Panday’s recent look, she wore a chequered suit from Kanika Goyal Label and looked totally chic and boss babe in it. The beauty styled her look with black-coloured ankle-length boots and accessorised it with hoop earrings.
Ananya Panday wore a dark blue coloured corset inside which accentuated her petite figure adding the right kind of glam to her entire look.
For makeup, the beauty went subtle with winged smokey eyes, nude lips and loads of highlighter on the face and neck.
Take a look at her pictures below:
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We love your style wardrobe for Liger, Ananya Panday!
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