Alia Bhatt who is currently embracing motherhood welcomed her first child with husband and actor Ranbir Kapoor a while ago. Recently, she took to her Instagram account and revealed the name of her daughter ‘Raha’ and the meaning behind it. Today, we bring you a throwback to the time when Alia suffered a wardrobe malfunction where her skirt flew a little higher as she was sitting on a chair and accidentally exposed her inner thighs but guess what, the Brahmastra actress handled it like a pro and aced it at a public event. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Alia is pretty popular on social media with over 73 million followers on Instagram. The 29-year-old isn’t just known for her brilliant acting skills but also her top-notch fashion sense. Talking about her fashion goof-up, it was 2015 when Bhatt suffered a wardrobe malfunction at a public event.
It was Rohit Khilnani’s book launch in Mumbai, where Alia Bhatt donned a chic outfit and paired a black shirt crop-top with a blue coloured flared skirt by Nisha Sainani. The reason why the beauty opted for this comfy look was because it was a poolside event and hence her outfit only made sense.
Alia Bhatt accessorised her look with sunglasses, a fish statement ring and paired it with white pump heels. For makeup, the Brahmastra actress went subtle with a no makeup, makeup look with soft kohl eyes and a neat bun to finish off the look.
While the actress was sitting cross-legged on the chair, she accidentally exposed her inner thighs but handled the wardrobe malfunction like a queen.
Take a look at her pictures below:
Alia Bhatt wardrobe malfunction it was an embarrassing moment for a baby girl. #bollywoodnews #AliaBhatt #actress
— Bolly Tolly Latest Updates (@BollywoodDilse1) August 9, 2016
Alia Bhatt is one fashionista and there’s no denying that!
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