Lovesutra Episode 16: When Hailey Bieber On Birth Control Said, “That Threw Off My Hormones…” – Why Can’t Men Take Contraceptive Pills Or Go For Vasectomy When Women Already Have Periods & Pregnancy To Deal With!

Lovesutra Episode 16: When Hailey Bieber Spoke On Birth Control Said, “That Threw Off My Hormones…” - Deets Inside
Lovesutra Episode 16: When Hailey Bieber Spoke On Birth Control Said, “That Threw Off My Hormones…” ( Photo Credit – Instagram )

Being a woman ain’t easy and I know that’s debatable as men would have different opinions about it. But trust me when I say that, at least you don’t have to worry about periods, pregnancy and birth control and that consumes a lot of space in our minds. Today, on this episode of Lovesutra we will discuss Hailey Bieber opening up on how she dealt with birth control after getting married to singer Justin Bieber and what side-effects she had on the body. I for one, don’t vouch for it given the fact there are multiple options available in the market to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

I know it’s personal but before you hate me for putting forth my point, it comes with full fledged research and facts. I’ve been getting my periods for over 18 years and I still cannot deal with it. No it’s not the mood swings that I’m talking about here but also the changes in body including headaches, bloating and breasts tenderness to name a few.

Now there isn’t a specific age at which you should lose your virginity and honestly to each its own. S*x education still happens to be a taboo in the country and worldwide around 11% (according to WHO) are teen pregnancies where the young girl doesn’t even know what to do about it. It’s good to get on birth control but only as long as you’re okay with it and your body can deal with the side-effects of it.

Hailey Bieber once opened up on taking birth control pills on her YouTube series and said, “Over the last few months, I’ve been on birth control, which I’ve never done before, and that threw off my hormones for sure and made my skin go off.”

Hailey Bieber continued and added, “I was getting little tiny things here and there, and they just hurt.” And it’s not just the hormones that goes for a toss when you’re on birth control but also the following factors –

Headaches –

This happens to be one of the most common problems that women go through as soon as they start their birth control pills.

Nausea –

This is one of the most terrible feelings that women go through in pregnancy and while on birth control. Imagine waking up sick and pukish every morning? Does that make you feel weird in the stomach already, we feel you.

Changes In Your Period –

This might sound like a small thing but actually f*cks up the entire system of a female body. This comes with a lot of baggage and health conditions which often lead to long term treatments and difficulty in conceiving. Sometimes your cycle gets extended up to two months and sometimes you might bleed for 15 days straight. Yeah, that’s a nightmare tbh.

Acne –

The hormone game leads to major breakouts on the face. And while we are not cribbing about it, it does get tortuous and takes a toll on our confidence sometimes.

Weight Changes –

You know how ‘Aunties’ often comments on our bodies post marriage? So back when aunty didn’t have an option and would give birth to 8-9 kids, that’s exactly what we are trying to avoid here and it might satisfy your ego at the very moment, but trust me it shakes up our entire existence on some days. So DON’T. It’s easy to comment on our bodies without knowing the backstory about it. And as it is India has now surpassed China in population and you still have something to say about our bodies? Shame!

Smoking –

Some entitled brats would now say, ‘Oh you shouldn’t smoke when on birth control’. Oh okay, Sharma ji ka beta… you should probably not be overconfident about your PULL OUT game and give us a break. Smoking is again a very personal choice but it comes with some serious health problems including – diabetes, high blood pressure and breast cancer. So, maybe ask your partner to wear a c*ndom but that’s also only 98% effective. Remember Ross Geller losing his sh*t over this, YEAH!

Now there are more birth control side-effects but I hope you get the point that I’m trying to make. For the unversed, there are more options to avoid unwanted pregnancies and no PULLING OUT ON TIME isn’t a good one. That’s the most stupid thing one would say to you and immediately abort the mission and run for your life sister.

From c*ndoms to vasectomy to male contraceptives, there are plenty of options available in the market these days. Don’t force your partner to get on birth control, as it is she has a lot to deal with – periods and pregnancy.

Hailey Bieber was right about her hormones taking a toll as she started her birth control journey but I would like to ask Justin Bieber, why can’t you go for vasectomy or have contraceptives and why let the love of your life suffer? Now, don’t tell me all this is nature’s rule because nature doesn’t bleed every month or carry a baby for nine months in her womb.

1 in 10 men in the US would opt for vasectomy and guess what, that’s the half rate of men in Canada and the UK. And mind you, the procedure only takes around 15-30 minutes and only causes minor pain if any. You then need to rest for a day and not do heavy activities for 3-4 days and TADA, you’re back in shape again.

Now let’s talk about the stats of India, according to IndiaSpend, the latest health data of the country shows 38% of women have undergone sterilisation and only 0.3% of men have had vasectomies. The percentage in itself is making me cringe so bad!

So you can lift heavy weights in the gym but can’t get a vasectomy done? And fear of what? You don’t even get groped, stared or touched inappropriately in public and still, wow.

The researchers have also passed the male contraceptive pill and will soon be available in the market but the question here is – are you willing to take it? I might sound judgemental but all the men in my life when I had this discussion with, refused to take these pills and mind you, these were all educated men. So, they’ll let their partner suffer but not take the birth control pills? That’s a huge red flag.

I’m not complaining here but asking you to just be a little considerate when it comes to birth control. Your partner might not ever tell you the problems that her body goes through on a regular basis but it’s good to have these discussions. If you started dating young or got married at an early age, her body might have responded differently back then to these pills compared to now. As you age, your body changes every day, month and year and might start having problems which in the past you never had. So, talk about these problems and find a solution mutually then pull out on time, that my friend is never a solution but only a risk that you’re taking unless you guys are planning to start a family.

I’m not against the fact that birth control pills aren’t good but in the long run it does have side-effects and if you love someone, you wouldn’t let them suffer, right? So just be on the same page as your partner and have a mutual consent in whatever you do.

The hype around periods and pregnancy is as it is too much and you might think it’s all that women talk about but trust me, every woman is different. Your partner might not have a hard time but there are women who suffer major symptoms every month so just be kind to everyone and not judge them for having different body reactions to periods.

I, for one, am against taking birth control pills. I still can’t come to terms with periods and take painkillers, let alone these pills taking a toll on my health. S*x is supposed to be enjoyed by both parties and not become a ‘faasi ka fanda’ for anyone. I don’t want to live in this constant fear of getting pregnant and so either c*ndom, vasectomy or oral contraceptives for my man else no s*x for him! LOL.

I’m not Jane Sloan from The Bold Type and doesn’t have any prior experience in writing lifestyle pieces (especially the ones involving s*x) but can always speak up my mind and put forth my POV.

I hope this piece of Lovesutra was helpful and you would now sit and have a conversation with your partner about reevaluating your birth control methods.

Must Read: Lovesutra Episode 15: Salma Hayek Once Revealed That Having S*x Regularly Makes The Marriage Lose Its Charm – Well, It’s Not Entirely True… Here Are Ways To Spice Up Things Between You & Your Partner!

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