Ben Affleck’s Secret Fitness Routine For Batman Revealed! From Farmer’s Walk & Heavy Weightlifting To Balanced Diet, The Actor Toiled Hard To Get The Ripped Physique!

Ben Affleck's Secret Fitness Routine For Batman Revealed! From Farmer's Walk & Heavy WeightLifting To Balanced Diet, The Actor Toiled Hard To Get The Ripped Physique
Ben Affleck’s Secret Fitness Routine For Batman Revealed! The Actor Toiled Hard To Get The Ripped Physique! ( Photo Credit – Flickr )

American actor Ben Affleck is one of the most well-known stars in Hollywood. While he has, played several roles in films like Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, Gone Baby Gone and Gone Girl, to name a few, he is widely known for playing the role of Batman in the DC universe.

Affleck trained with his longtime fitness trainer Walter Norton Junior. Affleck worked extremely hard day in and day out, as he was aware that the audience’s expectations of the character would also revolve around how he looked physically.

It’s important to note that Ben Affleck concentrated on muscular growth and his physical and mental well-being in order to portray the character convincingly in the film. So let’s examine the food and exercise programme that Ben modified for Batman.

Ben Affleck’s Workout Routine

As per the Sportskeeda report, Walter Norton set relentless goals for every muscle group in Ben Affleck’s body, constantly modifying and enhancing the actor’s exercise regimen. While his bat suit weighed about 75 pounds, his exercise regimen was centred on building muscle and overall body strength.

While his major goal was to build body muscles without significantly losing weight, Affleck kept his cardio to a minimum throughout his workouts. Affleck only engaged in cardiac exercises for the first 10 to 15 minutes of his workout, according to his trainer. They featured exercises like elliptical training and bike sprints.

Ben Affleck underwent gruelling and exhausting heavy-weight training to bulk up. These comprised both bodyweight exercises and routines using free weights. Planks, lunges, heavy weighted carries, dumbbell curls, cable rows, and the farmer’s walk were among the activities that made up the group. He broke up his daily workout of roughly two hours into three blocks in order to achieve a ripped physique.

The first block was made up of movable exercises and warm-ups. There were exercises like inchworms, calf stretches, Spiderman, planks, rumble rollers, and ellipticals. The second block of the exercise programme concentrated on building and conditioning the body. It includes workouts like a back bridge, half kneeling rows, hanging knees up, shoulder bridge, and pull-ups.

The third workout block concentrated on increasing the body’s strength and fitness. Among of the exercises addressed included goblet squats, bike sprints, seated row handles, alternating dumbbell curls, lateral squats, and V-grip pulldowns. In order to confuse the muscles and efficiently target each one, Norton often modified and refined these workouts.

Affleck regularly engaged in two crucial exercises: pull-ups and chin-ups. Thanks to these easy exercises, he was able to develop the physical strength and muscle mass required to be Batman.

Ben Affleck’s Diet Plan

To get into Batman shape, Ben Affleck worked with dietician Rehan Jaladi. They created a diet that was extremely tailored to the actor’s dietary requirements. Dairy products were avoided, while the intake of sodium and carbohydrates were both controlled. His meagre intake of carbohydrates comes from wholesome foods like brown rice, oats, and green vegetables.

Affleck typically ate egg whites, muesli and bananas in the morning. That gave him the energy he needed to go through the day. He typically ate lean meats for lunch, such as grilled chicken breast and sautéed sweet potatoes.

Dinners typically included steamed Brussels sprouts and broccoli, as well as lean proteins like baked chicken breast or grilled salmon. In order to stay full between meals, Affleck typically ate healthful snacks. These include protein bars and unsalted almonds and apples. Before breakfast and in preparation for an intensive workout, he also consumed a protein smoothie.

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