Deepika Padukone is one of the leading actresses in Bollywood, with a massive fan following across the globe. The beauty never misses an opportunity to make heads turn with her public appearances, and we love her daily sightings in the city. Earlier today, DP was spotted at the Mumbai airport leaving for the shoot of her upcoming biggie ‘Project K’ and donned a chic Adidas tracksuit which was not only comfy but also super stylish. No wonder why her husband Ranveer Singh is always going gaga on her! Scroll below to take a look.
Deepika and Ranveer are one of the most adorable couples in B-town, and their fans fondly call them ‘DeepVeer’. The duo never miss a chance to give couple goals to their fans online, and we love their social media PDA and their savage comments under each other’s pictures and videos on Instagram.
Now talking about Deepika Padukone’s latest appearance, the actress was spotted at the airport earlier today and looked pretty as always, slaying a casual look. DP was dressed in a comfy Adidas look head-to-toe and sported athleisure attire for the airport as usual.
She’s the queen of airport fashion, and it only gets better with each spotting, and fans can’t get enough of her. Deepika Padukone paired her brown tracksuit with sneakers and styled the look with sunglasses.
She accessorised her look with an LV bag and flaunted her signature nude glam with a ponytail.
Take a look at her video below:
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No wonder why Ranveer Singh is also a fan of his wife!
What are your thoughts on Deepika Padukone’s latest fashion affair? Tell us in the space below.
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The post Deepika Padukone Yet Again Nails The Comfy Airport Look With A Chic Adidas Tracksuit & No Wonder, Ranveer Singh Is Always Going Gaga Over His Lady Love! [Watch] appeared first on Koimoi.
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