Kiara Advani is currently busy promoting her upcoming film ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ opposite Kartik Aaryan and isn’t leaving any stones unturned while doing so. From her chic dresses to her beautiful sarees and co-ord sets, we totally love the style affair. And on to the series of new events, the actress took to her Instagram account and shared pictures donning a hot see-through crochet dress flaunting her perfectly sculpted cleav*ge worth a whopping over 2.6 lakh, and we can’t stop singing ‘First Class’ looking at her. Scroll below to take a look!
Kiara is one of the best-dressed Bollywood actresses at any point in time. She sure knows how to turn heads with her fashion game, from airport spottings to red carpet appearances. And the actress has been acing her movie promotional wardrobe and giving fashion goals with it.
Kiara Advani took to her Instagram account and shared a picture with a heart on fire emoji, and that’s precisely how we’ve been feeling; look at this ‘Laal Mirchi’. Haha! In the pics, the Satyaprem Ki Katha actress donned a Magda Butrym crochet bustier midi dress in bright red colour and paired it with matching Louboutin pumps. The dress is worth $3215 and would come over 2.6 lakh in INR.
In the photos, Kiara Advani has accessorised her subtle yet OTT dress with golden hoop earrings and opted for her usual nude glam with glossy lips, heavy-mascara eyes and bold, defined brows. She kept her tresses open with soft waves and a messy hairstyle at length and looked s*xy in this attire.
Take a look at the pics below:
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Kiara Advani makes us believe in love at first sight!
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The post Kiara Advani Dons A See-Through Crochet Dress Flaunting Her Perfectly Sculpted Cleav*ge In A 2.6 Lakh Worth Dress & ‘Haan Kasam Se, Baaki Sab First Class Hai’ appeared first on Koimoi.
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